Plant Manager
We have been using ASTEKS CTA-P type black bottom and top aprons on one of our machines processing with Lycra, since the date of 01.05.2013. Positive results were observed when we compared with foreign and Asteks NT-86 type aprons that we used for six months in our spinning mill. When compared with other machines processing Lycra, it was abserved that apron breakages decreased and that the paths on aprons especially caused by Lycra yarns did not exist on CTA-P type aprons. Not any other difference was observed between the laboratory test results of the yarns produced with CTA-P and other type of aprons. Regarding the life time period, this type shows better performance compared to the other apron types with the same working duration.
Considering the above mentioned abservations in our company, we have concluded that this product can easily be preferred especially for the machines processing Lycra and slub yarns.

Hakan GÜR
Plant Manager
We spin polyester / viscose and mostly dark coloured fibres in our spinning mill. We have tried many type of aprons from different producers and we had to change the aprons in less than one year period on average because of the paths at the yarn passage zone or the breakages.
We have obtained very good results both in means of quality and life time when we tried CTA "Carbon Reinforced Apron" developed by Asteks. Now we use it in our whole mill. We have increased the apron life time to 17-18 months when spinning 28 Ne polyester / Viscose.

I have been using Asteks NT-86/S aprons in my ring spinning mill. Recently we have started to use Asteks CTA aprons more intensely. CTA aprons have advantages regarding life time, abrasion and wear out compared to the other apron types. Iwould like to thank to Mr. Sabri İlknur who has helps us in this issue. Regards...
Mustafa SELÇUK
Spinning Plant Manager /
Machine Engineer

Chief of Plant
We have been using CTA aprons on Zinser 351 ring spinning machines on which we produce slup yarns since March 2010. Damages due to pressure were accuring at the bottom aprons of slub yarn spinning machines in 12 mounts. After Asteks has developed the CTA aprons which can function without damage for langer time, this duration has been shifted to 24-25 mounths. We have been using Asteks CTA aprons as bottom apron since March 2010. Thank you Asteks.

Ring Spinning Plant of Manager
In our spinning mill mostly arcylic, polyester, viscose, nylon and polyamide type of fibres are being processed. Life time of aprons are significant for use because of the agressive characteristics of the fibres we process. We have tried and tested Carbon Reinforced CTA bottom apron with respect to life time and durability during 1 year. Since the results of our abservations regarding both life time, durability and yarn quality met our expectations, we have replaced all the aprons in our mill with CTA "Carbon Reinforced Apron".

H. İbrahim ERŞAHİN
Plant Manager
First of all we would like to thank you as Bulut Tekstil for asking our opinion regarding this subject.
CTA *Carbon Reinforced Apron* is much better compared the the Standard apron type NT-86/S is 10 months on average, whereas CTA apron has completed the 14. mounths and stil there are no problem and we expext it to resist untill 18. month or maybe even more. We would like to thank Asteks Company for developing this domestic product. Best Regards...