Bringing printing rollers to the factory.
Counting of printing rollers by responsible people for delivery, checking the dimensions, checking the informatins which take place in "Roller Covering Information Sheet", printing of charcing numbers.
Making mechanical checks on printing rollers such as roller bearing place, centering hole etc. by roller control and assembly expert, dismounting inner rollers in any necessary case, filling informations like good, maintanence requirement or new roller necessity into "Roller Covering Information Sheet'.
Delivery of "Roller Covering Information Sheet" and measuring - quantity and checking informations to the customer relations representative.
Informing the customer if roller maintanence or new roller production is nesessary.
Delivery of order informations to the production planing department, sending the informations from production planning department to the marketing manager.
Marketing & Sales
If it is not suitable
Packing and Labelling
Informing the requests of roller maintanence or