For the cots those spinning short staple synthetic and synthetic blended fibres after cots grinding process;
Reducing the risk of lapping the fibres over cots
The benefit by less ends-down at start-up after doffing
Less fibre flies accumulation on to top roller cleaning roller
On extra high delivery speed air jet spinning systems , taking place following cots grinding process , it provides better efficient run.
At the mills spinning Ne50/1 and finer count yarn , it offers to under control and limit the variation in Uster quality parameters that may be experienced after cots grinding process.

Smart Feeding System with High Capacity Chamber; can feed the top rollers in bulk quantity by just pour&feed operation without any time consuming manual aligning. By this easy feeding operation it offers to save in labour time , by the operation integrated to cots grinding machine it maintains the performance of the cots grinding process at the highest level.
Superior UV irradiation system; by four lamp for 4000 watt irradiation power and the reflector structure specially designed , by the cots transfer rolling forward the homogenous irradiation over the entire circumference of the cots is maintained. By heath sensitive powerful ventilation system optimum ideal heath is maintained in the irradiation section and thus optimum heath treatment is maintained on the cots.
The continuous and high capacity top roller feeding system; provides four row top rollers getting irradiated at the same time by it’s continuously running steel conveyor and cots rolling forward transfer system that progresses synchronised with the smart feeding system. Also, in the same manner, that can process long cots for draw frames and combers in a continuous operation , realizing homogenous UV irradiation over entire circumference of the cots.
High Functionality by the options provided with Individual Operation or Continuous Process Integrated with Cots Grinding ; in optional , integrated with 201 and 401 series cots grinding machines , offers an excellent continue process on cots starting from grinding and ending up with UV treatment.

Processing Capacity
Top Rollers for Spinning Machines:
Drafting Rollers for Drawing Machines:
Rollers for Combing Machines:
Smart Feeding System
1060 mm
760 mm
760 mm
1000 / 1200 arbours/hour
500 / 600 rollers/hour
200 / 300 rollers/hour
1600 mm
1850 mm
1600 mm